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Intro Part 1 of 3: A Little About Myself

December 29, 2016

Welcome to the first of a three part series where I write about…myself! (So that perhaps you can learn more about, and potentially from, me)

I often times float around LinkedIn and various other social media sites for much of the same reasons that other people do. I am looking for insight, industry trends, information, different perspectives on a particular topic, or maybe I am just outright bored.

I am a liker and a sharer on social media, but do not often make comments. The short format that a comment inherently is doesn’t quite allow for me to get my entire thought out there in a way that I feel I could make a meaningful impact, which is why I am now writing this post.

I have decided that in order for me to properly be able to share my thoughts with those of you that follow me I am going to have to change the avenue in which I take to do so. Thus… the RAC Scale Blog!

In this initial post, I figured it would be good for me to introduce myself.

My name is Russell Cantwell, and I am currently a Pre-Sales Systems Engineer at Unique Digital Inc (This is not accurate, I am in a new role with a new company, but at the original time of writing this post I was at UDI. Still love those guys over there!). In my day to day operations I help my team navigate the intricacies of the entire sales cycle while providing technical leadership and direction. Throughout this process I am genuinely interested in the value I am bringing to both my team and the customers we support.

I find this line of work very rewarding due to the flexibility, opportunity, and dynamic environment that it offers. I have the opportunity to better myself, work with some of the most intelligent people on the planet, and stay on the forefront of the technology that I love. All of this while forming long lasting relationships with colleagues, partners, and customers that very few working environments are able to achieve.

It truly is a wonderful spot to be in if you have the right personality for it (I plan on writing a post on this topic in the future!), and have the ability to adapt to near constant change. This could never be understated since you are looked at to make precise and confident decisions for your team and your customers regularly. We will save this discussion for another day though…

In my personal life I am: a husband, brother, son, uncle, athlete, gamer, reader, movie buff, eSports evangelist, and overall technology enthusiast. I have a great many interests, and even more thoughts. I look forward to sharing them with you all, and encourage your participation throughout this journey.

In my next post I will dive a little deeper into my hobbies, interests, life, and how it all come together to put me in the position I am in today. So many people struggle to figure out what they want to do in life.

Perhaps my perspective can help enlighten how the things we go through in life can affect us in ways we never thought possible, and can help us define our eventual destination. Cheers!



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